A New Freedom

About Us

This page provides detailed information about our services.

Program Features

Our programs have the following benefits:

  • Primarily workbook-based, supplemented by checklists, activity card, and skill-building activities.
  • Most materials have a grade 4-6 reading level.
  • We provide detailed behaviorally-stated objectives and lesson plans, allowing for monitoring of progress and results, and easy program documentation.
  • Supports both individual and group counseling.
  • All of our resources can be selected flexibly and tailored to meet your specific program needs.
  • Low operation costs (when you buy these materials, you receive a "site license" giving you the rights for unlimited duplication for use at a given site).
  • We provide significant cost savings for longer programs and multiple-facility programs.

Pricing & Site License

Our pricing structure is designed to accommodate the client's needs. Our program package costs are affordable, starting at $595!

Most important, however, is that all of our materials are provided under a site license allowing your staff to make unlimited copies of use in programs conducted on your site. This means you do not need to re-order additional workbooks or other materials. This one-time cost feature may be especially attractive in programs which are funded by grants or operate under state or departmental budget limitations.

Our programs are tailored very specifically to the client's needs. Pre-selected packages noted on the web site and our marketing material offer guidance concerning overall costs. Many of our customers are eligible for significant discounts from the listed price.

Purchasing our materials can offer years of cost savings, especially for programs that depend on grants. Thanks to the structure of our site license, materials purchased with grant money one year can be duplicated for years. If your facility is offered a one-time grant, the grant can be used to purchase materials that can be duplicated for years after the grant money has been spent. A facility is not required to purchase new materials the next year.

Program Content

  • Our sources build on cognitive-behavioral (CBT), motivation enhancement (MET), risk factors management, relapse prevention, and social learning treatment concepts.
  • These materials provide a logical progression, addressing defensiveness, then cognitive change issues, addressing thoughts and feelings. When the client is ready to learn new approaches, we provide guidance in mastering new problem solving, thinking, and coping skills. A critical goal is increasing self-confidence and resilience (self-efficacy) in addressing client-specific risk factors - a critical part of the relapse prevention.

Success Stories

To date, we have had significant results in two of our substance abuse correctional programs-- a decrease in recidivism from approximately 67% to 11% and 15% respectively.

Customer satisfaction has been extraordinarily high. We encourage as much feedback as possible from both organizations buying our material and their clients. Feedback allows us to continue to improve upon our program.

How may we serve you?

Do you need help designing your own curriculum tailored to your time limitations and specific program objectives?

We can help you develop a curriculum that's just right. [more]

Do you need your program to be tailored to your state curriculum content standards?

Your educational programs provide an additional opportunity to address gang and substance abuse issues. Within the educational and vocational classroom setting, your facility can provide significant intervention and education on these issues. We can make it easier to implement education-based programming by working with your staff to identify specific learning objectives or links to state-approved curriculum content standards.

Do you need structured lesson plans to assist staff and group leaders?

When you do business with us, you get everything you need.

All of our materials include lesson plans, behaviorally-stated objectives, and other tools for group leaders, teachers, and supervisors. With this support, many materials can even be used by para-professionals and even peer counselors. We identify key activities, making it easy for faculty, group leaders, or supervisors to review written responses for completeness, insight, or understanding - or to guide individual or group counseling.

Do you have budgeting limitations?

Our programs are priced to be flexible, effective, and affordable.

Do you need in-service training?

It's rare for our customers to need in-service training. When you buy from us, we tailor our materials to your organization and its needs. In most cases, our material should be effective with many different types of counselors across many different contexts.

If you need in-service training, however, we're happy to refer you to professionals who have successfully implemented this program.

Do you need support in designing program evaluation materials?

Since we would like to demonstrate significant success in the other program areas, we offer our support in designing program evaluation materials. We will work with your agency staff and/or external program evaluators to design pre-post test materials, or other instruments.

Custom Curriculum

Our comprehensive resources make it easy to select materials appropriate to your needs. We can help identify resources appropriate to your population, time frame, and objectives. We specialize in packaging the materials to make it easy for your staff, counselors, or teachers to implement the program.

If you need additional resources in specialized program areas, our psychologists, social workers, corrections professionals, authors, and editors specialize in the development of new materials - at very reasonable cost!

We can readily help tailor programs for specialized applications (in-cell, administrative segregation, protective custody, small-group, individual, classroom, diversion, and other settings).


We work closely with most of our clients to tailor our programs to best address their needs. We can help you design an entire new program, or complement your existing program elements. Your response to the form below will enable our staff to discuss the most appropriate program options and program resources with you. There is no additional charge for this service.

If you would like to take advantage of this service, fill out this form. The form is crafted to take into account cultural and population traits of your clients the treatment setting, and your organization's preferred approach to treatment.

Our curriculum approach

Our approach is taken with these compelling features in mind:

  • Our resources are based on cognitive-behavioral treatment concepts. This means that participants are guided to identify "thinking" issues underlying their past behavior. Following this, they are guided to a new understanding of these issues, their feelings, and the ways in which their own thoughts have set them up for more problems. Following this cognitive work, clients are taught new ways of stopping old (harmful) behaviors and using new coping skills. Successful management of individual-specific risk factors is a critical part of relapse prevention.
  • The curriculum has a logical progression, guiding the process of personal change. It first addresses defensiveness, then cognitive issues. Among the critical issues for gang intervention programs are the individual risk factors that led to gang involvement - and which may contribute to a return to these behaviors in the future. When the client is ready to learn new approaches, it then addresses the behavioral component (primarily new coping and interpersonal skills), leading to risk factors management (self-efficacy), relapse prevention planning and life/lifestyle planning. Finally, the program addresses specific risk factors encountered in community reintegration and in preventing relapse and/or a return to gang involvement. Our program is based on the widely-accepted personal change model of Prochaska and DiClemente, and includes the tools your staff need to evaluate individual progress and program success.
  • The program is primarily workbook-based, with supportive materials to increase individual and group participation. Workbooks provide structure and support and they clearly identify the progress of participants. When work is not completed, this is also evident. Most materials are written at a grade 4-5 reading level, so most participants have no difficulty in understanding or completing the work. Frequent checklists, charts, tables, and group activities make the work non-threatening and reduce resistance, and make it more likely that participants will identify issues and problems.
  • The program supports group and individual counseling. Many assignments can be given as homework, so participants will completed reading and written assignments before coming to the group activity. This reduces the need to spend the limited time available for group discussion or treatment in reading or writing activities. Teachers can use the critical activities identified for each assignment to go immediately to the important issues and engage students in discussion. To make it easier for program staff, behavioral objectives are identified for all activities in each workbook (in the lesson plan provided).

Get a program tailored to your time limitations and program objectives

We specialize in helping tailor programs to the limitations of time or method of delivery.

With over 300 workbooks and other resources we support programs from 6 to 600+ hours.

Our resources support TCs, intensive group treatment programs, classrooms, in-cell programs, diversion programs, detention centers, adult and juvenile probation/parole, and aftercare programs.

We can help you define program outcomes or objectives, or work with your objectives to identify the resources which will address those outcomes.

A New Freedom • © 1995-2025 A. R. Phoenix Resources, Inc. • All Rights Reserved •Any questions? Contact us!