Pre-Release Preparation, Community Integration, Parole
These programs– specifically designed for corrections and jails– are designed to prepare participants about to leave residential and correctional for successful release and community reintegration. Addtionally, they are also ideal for probation and parole settings. From substance abuse to mental health to relapse prevention/intervention to anger and violence, these easy-to-implement lesson-based programs address the critical issues in making the transition back to the community.
We offer a wealth of resources covering Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Relapse Prevention and more! Here are some examples of our major programs:.
- Pre-Release/Community Reintegration/Parole Units. We have a wealth of workbooks, individual lessons, and packaged 10-session units in our Pre-Release/Community Reintegration/Parole series. We specialize in helping select and shape these resources to fit specific program needs.
The PDF flyer in the link below describes our flexible open group/open admissions 10-session units complete with focused session openers and summary resources.
These flexible units address important reintegration issues in planning for a good life, key recovery topics, and provide guidance for dealing with family and friends.
- OPEN TO CHANGE. This flexible, open group/open admissions program presents up to 6, 10-session modules. Each module presents a mini-journey through the stages of change, starting out with Pre-Contemplation resources and ending with Action Planning resources. Participants may enter the program at any point, with Pre-Contempltion resources just around the corner! Available in adult, juvenile, and female versions.
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
- The Bridge mental health program. Like OPEN TO CHANGE, this flexible program features 10-session modules in up to 6 units. It offers a solid, CBT-based approach
for mentally ill participants, enhanced with selected Motivational Interviewing (MI) tools, DBT
elements, and critical coping skills.
Click here to download a PDF flyer with complete details.
- Relapse Prevention Modules. Four easy to use, flexible open group/open admissions modules focused on relapse prevention! Ideal for use in an IOP or EOP.
Click here to download a PDF flyer with contents of the modules.
See our OPEN TO CHANGE page for more information.
We recently created a unique set of programs for a Re-Entry facility in a major prison system. The idea was to offer programming in a form that mirrors a college experience, with required courses and elective courses that inmates could choose in collaboration with their counselors.
We created a total of 823 total hours of programming, divided into Core courses, Core Elective courses, and Extended Elective courses. Each Core and Core Elective course is comprised of 10, 1-hour group sessions.
We worked closely with our colleagues to develop this creative approach, and are very pleased with the results! The PDF file at the link below is the final course list. We would be happy to talk in more detail about this with you– just contact us!
Designed for the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, these two programs, one for men and one for women, provide a unique Alternative To Violation program that will give violators one more chance before returning to prison!
- The Male Violators program offers a 90-day, open group intervention made up of 60 three-hour sessions divided into 6 Units. The overriding theme throughout the curriculum is “What went wrong?” Participants will examine the events that led to their referral, their poor decision-making, their
ability to handle temptations and risk factors, their difficulties in complying with parole requirements and supervision, and more!
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
- The Female Violators program offers a 45-day, 2 hours per day program, divided into six (6) units. Each unit provides sufficient resources for approximately 15 hours of independent work. The overriding theme throughout the curriculum is “What went wrong?” Participants will examine the events that led to their referral, their poor decision-making, their ability to handle temptations and risk factors,
Click here for detailed information about this effective and flexible program.
Over 800 hours of programming just for females! Here are just two examples:
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