A New Freedom

The New Freedom Self-Study Program In Spanish

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Keep your residents productively occupied with a Library of self-study materials in PDF format!

Keeping your residents productively occupied and engaged is always a priority, espjecially when it is difficult to hold groups! Our Self-Study Program in Spanish provides you with a library of materials that you choose that offers a structured approach to self-study. It allows you to keep your Spanish-speaking residents productively engaged with a minimum of contact with your staff.

Each workbook includes approximately 5-7 hours of reading, thinking, and writing designed to be done as self-study. With these materials you can create a library of powerful materials covering a wide range of topic areas, including Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Conflict Reduction, and Transition.

You can select exactly the Spanish workbooks you want, and offer and process them in several ways:

  • Make all of the ones you select directly accessible to residents who can pick and choose the ones that interest them
  • Assign or recommend specific materials based on clinical assessment of the highest needs of each inmate
  • Create an assignable syllabus of workbooks grouped into various topic areas
  • Process the work through examining the responses residents are asked to write in the workbooks
  • Process the work in small groups if possible or in one-on-one conversations

The workbooks available in Spanish fall into several topical categories:







Click here for complete details on all our Self-Study Workbooks in Spanish!

For more information, contact us or complete a form for a phone consultation.

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