About the Program

Mental health Programming Resources


Mental Health Resources are designed to be facilitated by licensed Master or above clinicians.

This page presents specific resources for residents with evidence of curent (or past) self-harm.

NOTE: This resource is NOT a guide for suicide prevention or addressing suicidal ideation. It was also NOT designed as a primary resource for borderline clients or other signigicantly decompensated clients, thought it may be a helpful treatment program element.

These resources are in addition to the standard programming all residents receive:


Assess level of need and readiness.  Client motivation may be an issue. If so, we recommend the sequential use of:

Core C1 may be used if mor intensive MI preparation is required.  Core C2 strongly suggested for mental health treatment.  Core C3 covers basic coping skills.

Workbook Title Link
TP-Self Injury Includes a range of specific MH resources for counselor and client, along with a complete orientation to treatment of this issue.   PDF
M22 Self-Injury wookbook for males PDF
W22 Self-Injury wookbook for females PDF