A New Freedom

Relapse Intervention

These materials address the relapse intervention needs of parole violators and others who face revocation of their freedom upon returning to the community. These materials assist clients in identifying "what went wrong" and in learning (and mastering) needed skills of effective coping. They may be supplemented by additional workbooks, especially from the Returning Home series, as needed.

Part of our comprehensive workbook series, these resources are tailored by age and gender. They are sometimes used in drug court and diversion programs.

Catalog Code Title Description Hours
RI1 Relapse Intervention Practice Addresses selected high risk areas involved in the first few days after returning home. The RI1 resource is primarily a set of problems. We suggest the additional use of RH1 for those clients who did not have those materials. 4
RI2 Dealing With People In New Ways Helps participants identify what they can do differently if the “old ways” didn’t work, including temptations and issues with family, friends, and community which may stand in the way of a successful transition. A set of situation cards for group discussion is provided. The relapse intervention version of this workbook includes reference to issues with family and old friends which developed upon returning home. 4
RI3 How Did You Deal With Your Feelings? Addresses feelings of discomfort which led to relapse or other problems. “Trouble spots” are addressed individually or in group setting, and a more effective response developed. Again, the focus of this relapse intervention resource is on the specific feelings experienced upon returning home, and any connection between those feelings and the issues leading to revocation. 3
RI4/RH4 Facing Your Responsibilities This workbook identifies and addresses common responsibilities faced upon transition. Exercises list the most important responsibilities, and ask participants to identify how they will meet each area of responsibility. The responses can be shared and evaluated in individual or group settings. The RI resource targets areas where these responsibilities were not met, including the issues leading to revocation. 4
RI5 Practice In Handling Lapses This activity provides practice for clients in identifying and coping effectively with the issues involved in their lapse, relapse, or revocation. (Similar to RH5) 5
RI6/RH6 Making Positive Steps to Take Control of Your Life Develops a detailed plan for the use of a post-release “safety net” and recovery activities. It guides the process of identification and selection of friends and community resources to assist in the transition. Additionally, it identifies and addresses the high risk factors these people will need to know in order to help. 4
RI7/RH7 Avoiding The Negative This workbook provides specific help in maintaining recovery through developing a plan to identify and avoid the highest risks. It is based on the concept of using “environmental controls” to avoid the people, places, things, and situations which pose the greatest threat to recovery. It provides participants and program staff with the tools to help address specific vulnerabilities. 4
RI8 Practice in Handling Difficult Situations This activity provides practice on the difficult situations encountered during the transition. Problem areas can be used as discussion and learning points to help individuals develop confidence that they can handle these situations appropriately when they face them again upon returning home. 4-5
RI9 Problems With Authority This workbook addresses issues involved in dealing with authority figures and helps participants understand the nature of their anger, hurt, and resentment — and the ways in which they may create more problems for themselves. It offers specific suggestions for dealing with potential conflicts with authority figures, and a template for evaluating responses to typical situations. Situation cards provide opportunities for modeling appropriate responses. 3
RI10 Avoiding Trouble (When You Are With Others) Peer pressure and poor choices often lead to trouble. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the wrong people, is a common explanation for failure. This workbook identifies common problems and solutions, and provides twenty typical situations for roleplaying and demonstration of effective coping skills. 3
RI11/CS7/RH22 Coping Skills for Relapse Prevention: Techniques for Making Long-Term Changes Participants evaluate their post-release and relapse prevention plans, and modify elements as needed to increase their chances of success. 7 to 8
RI12/CS8/RH23 Making it Personal: Identifying And Addressing Your Highest Risks Participants evaluate their post-release and relapse prevention plans, and modify elements as needed to increase their chances of success. 7 to 8
RI13 Handling Problem Feelings Activities identify issues and ask participants to demonstrate how they plan to handle difficult feelings and situations. 3
RI14 Handling Common Problems Helps participants identify - and develop solutions for — common difficult situations encountered during the transition. 3
RI15 Giving Yourself Options Risk factors-based workbook for high risk youth. Clients identify problem situations and practice options to substance abuse or violence. Action planning activities support diversion program. (primarily for juvenile programs) 3
RI16/CS1/CP2/DP2 Coping Skills for Emergencies Clients learn to identify their own highest risk situations, the cues that they are becoming at higher risk, what they will do to cope effectively, and then practice these new coping skills until they are confident they will work. Included in these skills are thought stopping, conflict avoidance and "escape" skills), and a comprehensive set of "refusal skills." 3
RI17/CP3/DP3/F12 Let's Talk About Feelings Specific feelings (anger, anxiety or fear, low-self-esteem/shame, hurt, and loneliness) are addressed in activities which help clients identify and experience feelings safely. 3
RI18/CP5/DP5 Violence At Home Short workbook helps client identify gang issues and options to participation. (for juvenile programs) 3
RI19 Problems At Home Helps clients start to discuss family issues (neglect, abuse, abandonment, or addictions) with program staff. Targets problem areas experienced upon release.  
RI20/CP4/DP4 Gangs This short workbook is designed to help clients start to discuss family issues (neglect, abuse, abandonment, or addictions) with program staff. (for juvenile programs) 3
RI21 Handling People Problems This workbook will help participants identify — and develop solutions for — common difficult situations. 3
RI22 Red Flags Useful workbook helps participants identify and plan to address the symptoms and cues that they are moving closer to their highest risk situations. This is a key step toward self-efficacy. 5
RI23 Safety nets This workbook guides clients to identify and address early warning signs that they are at increasing risk to fall back into old (negative) behavior patterns. 2
RI24 Getting close to getting out Designed for the last few weeks before going home, this workbook addresses common thoughts, feelings, and temptations, including typical anxieties and worries. 2
RI25 How are you doing? Four lessons (How far have you come? • Controlling your impulses • Setting yourself up • Recovery activities planning) that can be used as self-inventories. 4
RI26 Self-efficacy and problem solving This short workbook summarizes the key coping or avoidance/escape strategies used by clients for their highest risk situations. 2 to 3
RI27 What’s going on in my life? Introductory workbook helps identify feelings, issues, and risk factors, reducing resistance, and beginning the process of personal awareness and change. Based on motivational enhancement (MET model). 5 to 7
RI28 Key Elements of Change This workbook provides a comprehensive overview of personal change from substance abuse. It includes elements of motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), as well as analysis of risk factors, the development of key coping and refusal skills, and the development of a safety net. Highly recommended. 10
RI29 Relapse intervention issues — for women This workbook provides the counselor and clients with a variety of issues and activities, each of which addresses a facet of the different nature of women’s abuse, relapse and recovery issues — including revocation issues. It can be used in a variety of ways: as a class or group workbook, as a series of topics and activities for individual and group discussion, or as an individual assignment. 6
RI30 Handling tough situations An Action Maze Workbook that provides participants with decision making opportunities dealing with common temptations and problems (people, places, things, situations, and their own thoughts). (Similar to RH11) 4
RI31 Problem solving 1-2-3 Using basic problem solving model, presents 54 community and home problem situations experienced by women in transition and/or recovery. 8
RI32 Problem solving cards for Revocation programs Using basic problem solving model, presents over 40 additional community and home problem situations experienced by people in transition and/or recovery. Focus includes women returning home to the community from prison. 5 to 6
RI33 Reducing your risk Basic risk reduction workbook, includes obvious high risk situations, warning signs, high risk feelings leading to relapse, and coping skills suggestions for avoiding a person’s high risks. (Similar to CS10) 2 to 3

Our Complete Workbook Series

Preparation for Treatment Self-Discovery Understanding Your Feelings Self-Awareness Functional Thinking Identifying & Changing Your Stinking Thinking Finding Your Direction Developing Insight Becoming a Stronger Person Coping Skills Putting It All Together Returning Home Delinquency Program Men's Program Women's Issues Domestic Violence (for women) • Life Issues Pathways to Daily Living Problem Solving Relapse Intervention Vocational Materials

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